Study programmes
Information about the study programmes at Conservatori Superior de Música “Salvador Seguí” de Castelló may be found here:
–Bachelor Degree Programmes (240 ECTS)
–Master Degree Programme (90 ECTS)
Application Procedure
We will accept Erasmus+ incoming applications within the following deadlines:
- 2nd semester mobility: From 1 October to 15 November
- 1st semester or complete course mobility: From 1 February to 30 April

Required documentation:
In order to apply formally, you will have to upload in the application form the following required documentation:
1. Curriculum Vitae (CV): We recommend to use the Europass model: https://europass.europa.eu/en/create-europass-cv
2. Motivation letter: We recommend to use the Europass model: https://europass.europa.eu/en
3. Recommendation letter: A recommendation letter from your main professor.
4. Media file(s): active web link(s) to an online platform (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) where the media file(s) can be played.
- Performers: Recording in which you perform at least 20 minutes of music (free programme, we recommend to combine diferent styles).
- Conductors: Recording in which you conduct at least 20 minutes of music (free programme, we recommend to combine diferent styles).
- Composers: Scores of at least three of their own compositions with audio recordings of the works.
Please, be aware that without uploading all these documents required, the application will not be considered.
Application form
To apply formally, fill out and submit the following application form:
Your Erasmus+ application will be made available to be assessed by the corresponding department and you will receive an email in case of positive acceptance before:
- 2nd semester mobility: End of November
- 1st semester or complete course mobility: End of May
For any doubt, please contact: erasmus@conservatorisuperiorcastello.com
Castelló, the city, the region:
- Link to: Castello tourist information
- Link to: Auditori i Palau de Congressos de Castelló

Oficina de Relacions Internacionals del CSMC