Visiting Professors

Staff interested in spending a period at the Conservatori Superior de Música “Salvador Seguí” de Castelló de la Plana in the framework of Erasmus+, are required to apply to the Erasmus Coordinator in their home institution and get the approval for their stay in Castelló de la Plana.

If you do not have already a formal invitation letter received from the Conservatory Superior de Música “Salvador Seguí» de Castelló, please, attend the following:

Application Procedure 


Constantly opened (we recommend to organize it the course before) 

Required documentation: 

To apply formally, fill out the following application form: Professors application form

Required information: 

  • Personal and institution information. 
  • Proposal of dates. 
  • Brief Curriculum Vitae
  • Mobility plan: Describe in which areas you desire to work in, what goals you want to reach and which departments and persons you want to visit. 

Then, submit the application form to the adress: 


Once our institution has received the required information, it will be forwarded to the correspondent department and we will write back to the Erasmus Coordinator and the applicant with a reply.

After being accepted, the Mobility Agreement will be filled by both institutions.

We reserve the right to decline any application if it is not possible due to time, technical or organizational reasons to care for you enough.

Castelló, the city, the region:

Link to: Castello tourist information

Link to: Auditori i Palau de Congressos de Castelló

Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales del CSMC


Antoni Cotanda Peñarrocha

Sergi Rodrigo Delgado